Monday, October 25, 2004

About Me...

Posted by Hello

Hello, my name is J. I am a software engineer in St. Louis, MO, USA. I have started this blog to aggregate financial and investing information that I find useful.

I am not an expert on trading stocks. I still have to work full time to pay my bills. I have been investing in stocks and mutual funds for about 15 years. I have actively been trading for at least the past 5 years. I feel I have a good knowledge of stocks, mutual funds, and options. I have been trading options for about 3 years, and have had moderate success.

I may add some of my stock trades, though not necessarily all of them. I will try to avoid adding specific numbers of shares or total cost of my investments to my posts.

My political views will influence my opinions, so I will say upfront that I am a conservative leaning libertarian.

I am not a investment advisor, so please do not buy or sell stock based on my opinions.

By the way, this picture is from my recent trip to Italy in late October. This picture is of me at the Papal Garden in Vatican City.