Friday, September 30, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Yale Lazy Man

MarketWatch has added another ETF portfolio. The "Yale Lazy Portfolio" was created by David Swensen. He is the portfolio manager for the Yale University endowment fund which has returned over 16% for the past 20 years. He is also the author of "Unconventional Success"

30%Total Market IndexVTSMX
20%Total InternationalStock IndexVGTSX
15%U.S. Treasury Bond IndexVFISX
15%TIPS: Inflation Protected SecuritiesVIPSX

  • One-year return of 16% vs. S&P 500 return of 11.5%
  • 3-year return of 16% vs. S&P 500 return of 13%
  • 5-year return of 6.4% vs. S&P 500 return of -3%
  • 20-year return of 16%


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