Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Coffeehouse

MarketWatch offers articles on different types of exchange traded fund portfolios. Here is information on Bill Schultheis's Coffeehouse Portfolio from an article in January. Bill Schultheis was a Salomon Smith Barney broker, and author of "The Coffeehouse Investor".

40%Total Bond Market IndexVBMFX
10%S&P 500 IndexVFINX
10%Large-Cap Value IndexVIVAX
10%Small-Cap IndexNAESX
10%Small-Cap Value IndexVISVX
10%Total International Stock IndexVGTSX


  • has beaten the S&P 500 4 of the last 5 years
  • missed 40% during internet boom, but made 15% annually over S&P 500 from 2000-2002
  • hasn't had to be reallocated in last 5 years
  • back-tested 10 years showing a 10.8% return
  • from January 2000 to January 2005 has shown a 38% return vs -13% return for the S&P 500


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