Thursday, September 15, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Lazy Man

MarketWatch’s top ETF portfolio for 2004 was Ted Aronson’s "Lazy Man’s Portfolio". Ted Aronson is the head of AJO Partners. AJO Partners manages about $20 billion of institutional tax-exempt retirement funds. named him "the world’s most honest money manger." He served as the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Association of Investment Management and Research, the leading professional organization for money managers.

5%Wilshire 5000VTSMX
15%S&P 500VFINX
10%Wilshire 4500 Mid-Cap / Small-CapVEXMX
5%MSCI US Small-Cap GrowthVISGX
5%MSCI US Small-Cap ValueVISVX
15%Emerging MarketsVEIEX
10%Pacific Stock IndexVPACX
5%European Stock IndexVEURX
10%TIPS: Inflation-Protected SecuritiesVIPSX
10%High-Yield CorporateVWEHX
10%Long-Term TreasuryVUSTX


  • 2003 return of 30%
  • 2004 return of 15%
  • Passive, well-diversified asset-allocation with no rebalancing


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