Sunday, December 05, 2004

My Exchange Traded Funds

I have been asked what Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) I invest in.

I actually do not invest in many ETFs, but that is more because there are stocks which I feel I can get a better return from.

I have several accounts, each one has a different investment strategy. This is because of how I am able to fund the accounts, not because I'm testing the strategies. I have a Roth IRA, a 401k, and a couple brokerage accounts, one professionally managed, one self-managed, and I keep my change in a piggy bank ;-) . I will leave the strategies for each account to another post, and answer the question which was asked though.

Of my accounts, currently the only one with any ETFs in it is my 401k. My 401k only offers 2 choices of ETFs. I am limited to a Russell 2000 ETF, and an S&P 500 ETF. I am currently invested in both. i currently have 20% of my 401k in the S&P 500 ETF, and 25% in the Russell 2000 ETF. This is not intended as a long term allocation though, it is the same reasoning as my option investment from my last post.

after mid-January I will probably change the allocation to have about a 30% allocation in the S&P 500 ETF, and a 15% allocation in the Russell 2000 ETF. I will invest the rest in the mutual funds that are available. When I change my assett allocation in mid-January I will update my blog.


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