Friday, September 30, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Yale Lazy Man

MarketWatch has added another ETF portfolio. The "Yale Lazy Portfolio" was created by David Swensen. He is the portfolio manager for the Yale University endowment fund which has returned over 16% for the past 20 years. He is also the author of "Unconventional Success"

30%Total Market IndexVTSMX
20%Total InternationalStock IndexVGTSX
15%U.S. Treasury Bond IndexVFISX
15%TIPS: Inflation Protected SecuritiesVIPSX

  • One-year return of 16% vs. S&P 500 return of 11.5%
  • 3-year return of 16% vs. S&P 500 return of 13%
  • 5-year return of 6.4% vs. S&P 500 return of -3%
  • 20-year return of 16%

Sunday, September 25, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Margarita

Here is another ETF portfolio from MarketWatch. This one is called the "Margarita Portfolio", due to it's three equal parts. This one is also from Scott Burns who created the "Couch Potatoe Portfolio".

33%Total Stock Market IndexVTSMX
33%Total International Stock IndexVGTSX
33%Inflation Protected Securities FundVIPSX

  • One-year return of 12.75% vs. the S&P 500 return of 8.4%
  • 3-year return of 10% vs. the S&P 500 return of 6%

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Couch Potato

MarketWatch has another article about an ETF portfolio. This one was created by Scott Burns. Scott Burns is one of America's top financial columnists who is nationally syndicated with the Dallas Morning News. He is a co-author of the best-selling "The Coming Generational Storm", the definitive work on the social security and medicare deficits.

50%S&P 500 IndexVFINX
50%Total Bond Fund IndexVBMFX

Thursday, September 15, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Lazy Man

MarketWatch’s top ETF portfolio for 2004 was Ted Aronson’s "Lazy Man’s Portfolio". Ted Aronson is the head of AJO Partners. AJO Partners manages about $20 billion of institutional tax-exempt retirement funds. named him "the world’s most honest money manger." He served as the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Association of Investment Management and Research, the leading professional organization for money managers.

5%Wilshire 5000VTSMX
15%S&P 500VFINX
10%Wilshire 4500 Mid-Cap / Small-CapVEXMX
5%MSCI US Small-Cap GrowthVISGX
5%MSCI US Small-Cap ValueVISVX
15%Emerging MarketsVEIEX
10%Pacific Stock IndexVPACX
5%European Stock IndexVEURX
10%TIPS: Inflation-Protected SecuritiesVIPSX
10%High-Yield CorporateVWEHX
10%Long-Term TreasuryVUSTX


  • 2003 return of 30%
  • 2004 return of 15%
  • Passive, well-diversified asset-allocation with no rebalancing

Saturday, September 10, 2005

ETF Portfolio - No-Brainer

Another of MarketWatch's ETF portfolios. Bill Bernstein is a financial adviser, SmartMoney columnist, author of the Intelligent Assett Allocator, and a practicing neurologist. He is also the creator of the "No-Brainer Portfolio".

25%S&P 500 Index FundVFINX
25%Small Cap Index FundNAESX
25%European Stock Index FundVEURX
25%Total Bond Market Index FundVBMFX


  • 14% return last year
  • has beaten 90% of professional money managers over past 10 and 20 years with less risk
  • return of 3.52% over the past 5 years
  • return of 9.15% over the past 10 years
  • return of 10.29% over the past 15 years
  • return of 11.69% over the past 20 years

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

ETF Portfolio - Coffeehouse

MarketWatch offers articles on different types of exchange traded fund portfolios. Here is information on Bill Schultheis's Coffeehouse Portfolio from an article in January. Bill Schultheis was a Salomon Smith Barney broker, and author of "The Coffeehouse Investor".

40%Total Bond Market IndexVBMFX
10%S&P 500 IndexVFINX
10%Large-Cap Value IndexVIVAX
10%Small-Cap IndexNAESX
10%Small-Cap Value IndexVISVX
10%Total International Stock IndexVGTSX


  • has beaten the S&P 500 4 of the last 5 years
  • missed 40% during internet boom, but made 15% annually over S&P 500 from 2000-2002
  • hasn't had to be reallocated in last 5 years
  • back-tested 10 years showing a 10.8% return
  • from January 2000 to January 2005 has shown a 38% return vs -13% return for the S&P 500

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Consider Donating to the Hurricane Victims

Please consider donating to the Salvation Army to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.