Sunday, January 23, 2005

Russell 2000 Calls

Well my Russell 2000 January Calls expired. If I had followed the advice in the article I would have lost about half as much as I did. I expected the index to go up, thus by buying earlier, I had the potential for more profits. Also I should have bought a call which was out of the money, which would have cost less. Thus I made two poor decisions and lost $4 on each option.

I think the main reason the index went down during the period of the option was the worries about Iraq. I think once the election is done, that the market will start to make the gains that I was expecting in December and January.

At the end of this year, if I think the market is in good condition, I will probably buy more Russell 2000 options. But I will make better decisions, unlike what I did last year.


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